Do You Have A Noisy Garage Door? 3 Reasons To Hire A Garage Door Repair Contractor


It is easy to ignore noises from your garage door, especially if they are quiet. But ignoring these sounds does not mean they will go away. If you do not hire garage door repair experts to fix this issue, the noises might grow so loud that they annoy you and your neighbors. Here are common issues that might cause these door noises. 1. Loose Nuts and Bolts A newly installed door will have fastened nuts and bolts.

26 October 2022

Four Types Of Garage Door Repairs


When a garage is first built, the door should be in perfect condition. Over the years, however, the garage door will withstand various weather conditions and sustain damage. Eventually, parts of your door will break, and at that point, it is time to call garage door repair professionals. The following are four repairs you should know about.  1. Broken or Worn Down Springs Garage doors open with springs. An extension system expands and contracts to open doors, while a torsion system turns springs to open the door.

9 August 2022

Why Won't Your Garage Door Close? Some Things To Consider


Are you having issues with your garage? If your garage door won't close, it could be a number of issues that only your garage door service specialist can diagnose and treat for sure. You should never attempt to repair a broken or malfunctioning garage door on your own because you risk injury or worse in doing so. Why won't your garage door close? It could be anything from a broken garage door sensor to a loose or old spring.

24 May 2022

4 Features To Look For When Choosing A Garage Door Opener To Install


Most people started investing in automatic and electric garage door openers recently. However, technology has been around for many decades. The opener comprises a motor and a system of springs and pulleys that aid the movement. When you press a button on a remote, the opener receives the signal and sets the devices that lift or lower the garage door's position. However, it is crucial to understand the different garage door opener types and their features.

14 February 2022